10 Reasons Why Green Tea Extract is Bad for You

10 Reasons Why Green Tea Extract is Bad for You

Green tea is prized for its health benefits, so wouldn’t an extract be even better? Green tea extract is a supplement derived from the green tea plant. The idea behind it is if you process and concentrate a healthy substance like green tea, its positive effects will be boosted. But take note because more is not always necessarily better for you. Green tea extract can, in fact, have negative effects on your health. Here are 10 reasons why green tea extract is bad for you

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5 Brain Foods To Stimulate You

5 Brain Foods To Stimulate You

Healthy foods are typically thought of as being good for cardiovascular health and disease prevention. We eat them to get adequate nutrients, to feel better, to stave off weight gain, and sometimes to combat specific dietary issues. Those who study these matters know that it’s actually quite remarkable how directly and thoroughly what we eat affects how we look and how we live. What we don’t spend quite as much time talking about, however, is how healthy eating can affect our brains. Read more to find out 5 food good for your brain.

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Allergy? Hay Fever? Check out Benifuuki - 5 Reasons Why This Green Tea Variety is Booming in Japan

Allergy? Hay Fever? Check out Benifuuki - 5 Reasons Why This Green Tea Variety is Booming in Japan

The Japanese are famous for their long lifespans and lower rates of lifestyle diseases, so when something trends for having amazing health benefits in Japan, it's best for us in the West to listen. The latest health secret is Benifuuki Green tea, a delightfully bitter beverage that has incredible, scientifically proven benefits. Benifuuki tea is a cultivar of the tea plant that was cross-bred between the varieties Assamica and Sinensis in 1965 in Makurazaki City, Japan. It was originally developed as a mellow, aromatic black tea, but scientists soon discovered that harvesting it earlier as a green tea would result in a powerful health beverage.

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Is Japanese Green Tea Good for Diet?

Is Japanese Green Tea Good for Diet?

Is losing weight your healthy lifestyle goal? Japanese green tea may be able to help. Calorie counters can rest easy knowing that a cup of plain green tea contains just 2 calories or less. Apart from being low in calories, green tea contains a metabolism boosting anti-oxidant which blocks the enzyme that breaks down the hormone used by the nervous system to signal fat cells to break down fat. Better still, this is just one of the ways in which green tea can support your healthy weight loss program. 

Derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, green tea has been used as medicine for over 5,000 years in places like China and India.  In this article we will explorer the true facts and science behind how Japanese Green Tea can help you lose weight, and tips for how you can take most advantage of Japanese Green Tea used for diet purpose... 

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Science Behind Why Japanese Green Tea is Good for Health

Science Behind Why Japanese Green Tea is Good for Health

It is no doubt that historically Green Tea has been providing variety of health benefit and is believed to be one of the main reasons why Japanese people live longer and healthier compared to other part of the world. More recent study and researches reveals and confirms the benefit from different angles of science.  

In this article, we will go over the science behind why Green Tea provides variety of health benefits. We will go over elements in detail such as L-theanine, Polyphenols, Caffeines and Fluorides...

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The Secret of Tea Grown In Sugarcane Soil

The Secret of Tea Grown In Sugarcane Soil

Of all the many varieties of tea, green tea has been enjoyed by humans for millennia and is renown for the differences in its taste, bouquet and appearance. Like fine wine, the differences in green tea are largely determined by the type of leaf, the soil, the climate in which the tea plant is grown and how the leaves are processed.

Many connoisseurs of tea consider Japanese green tea cultivated by the Chagusaba method to have an exceptionally sweet taste.  Read more to learn how this ancient method is still being preserved in parts of Japan and throughout the world to create a rare green tea with sweet tones.

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Green Tea Science Brewing Technique Book - Green Tea Science, Brewing Technique Book - 12 Scientifically Proven Techniques to Make Your Green Tea Taste Better and Healthier

Green Tea Science Brewing Technique Book - Green Tea Science, Brewing Technique Book - 12 Scientifically Proven Techniques to Make Your Green Tea Taste Better and Healthier

Download our Green Green Tea Science Brewing Technique Book to learn about 12 Scientific Tips for Brewing Green Tea to Taste Better. 

The E-Book also includes the chapter of Kei Nishida's book, "Art of Brewing Japanese Green Tea" where he teaches you how to brew hot and cold Japanese Green Tea.

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